Saturday, July 21, 2012

Triad Workshop #6

The Quilter’s Studio Color Study Group                                                                  July 20, 2012
Triad Color Harmony:    
Triad Colors combine every fourth color on the color wheel (equidistant on color wheel).
4 different palette choices of 3 colors each
  • 3 Primary Colors            Yellow + Red + Blue
  • 3 Secondary Colors        Orange + Violet + Green
  • 3 Tertiary Colors        Yellow/Orange + Red/Violet + Blue/Green
  • 3 Tertiary Colors            Yellow/Green + Red/Orange + Blue/Violet
Triads create a temperature balance between warm and cool colors.  For example - when working with a cool color scheme (say purple and green), accents of warm (orange) can be added to create a triad
Triads give vibrant, lively and interesting combinations, but can be too bold if colors compete.
Avoid using equal amounts of the colors.  Tried and true formula for Triads: One is dominant, one is secondary and one is accent                                                      
Choosing one of your three triad colors to be the dominant completely changes the overall effect. For example, an Orange / Violet / Green color plan will be much different than a Green / Orange / Violet color plan.
Example Quilts:
Red, Blue, Yellow

Red Orange, Blue Violet, Yellow Green

Yellow Orange, Red Violet, Blue Green

Interesting example of all the color schemes
  Homework for next class –August 18 
Reading        Variety                                 page 122
Project         Workshop 6        Triad Color Scheme          pages 170-175

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Analogous Results

Fanja - Blue Green through Red Orange

Fanja - Yellow Orange to Red Violet

Maureen - Yellow Green to Red Orange

Pam - Yellow to Blue (ignore the yellow for a true analogous)

Judy - Red Violet to Blue Green

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Analogous Color Schemes

The Quilter’s Studio Color Study Group                                                                  June 16, 2012
Analogous color schemes:                                                               
Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs.
·         Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye.
·         Harmony and variety are balanced to create unity.  Analogous colors will be harmonious, but boring unless there is variety in the contrasts, proportions and/or design
·         Make sure you have enough contrast (intensity, value, pattern/texture) when choosing an analogous color scheme.
·         Choose one color to dominate, a second to support. The third color is used (along with black, white or gray) as an accent.  Avoid using equal amounts of each color

  Homework for next class –July 21 
·         Analogous – page 72
·         Harmony, Unity, Variety – pages 110-123
Project        Workshop 5  Analogous Color Scheme pages  166-169

Complex Complementary Projects

Fanja's color page and headband using split complements, blue green, yellow green and red

Judy's art quilt using analogous complementary scheme of yellow orange, orange, red-orange, red and red violet with blue green

Maureen's sketch of her planned art quilt using complex complementary color scheme

Maureen's design/color mockup using analogous complementary of orange, red orange, red and red violet with blue green

Sharon's tablerunner using the analogous complementary scheme of orange with violet, blue violet, blue, and blue green